Wednesday 27 July 2016

"Parts.... I've never TRIED... PARTS..."

Stuart Gordon's film HERBERT WEST: RE-ANIMATOR was probably the earliest post CALL OF CTHULHU RPG Lovecraft movies that actually acknowledged HPL as the source material and tried to convey a sense of humour along with its macabre goings-on. This is interesting in and of itself because it's very much the way a LOT of us actually PLAY Lovecraft.

This would be the first of MANY official Lovecraft adaptations 
that recognized it's sources and probably one of the very best.

I'll be adding a fair number of movie reviews on this site over time and adding some notes as to how one can take elements from the pictures being reviewed for use in our games. I'll even be re-examining RE-ANIMATOR, but, for now, here's a sample of some of the mayhem the movie brought to it's audience.

The original Red-Band trailer for the 1985 release

Jeffery Combs is wonderful as West - this second clip is a good example of him in top form.

"Don't expect it to tango - its got a broken back..."


  1. Prof. Thanks for following my exploits at BRP CLOCKWORK & CTHULU

  2. I quite like following the play-by-play there, Jay.


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